Most frequent questions and answers
After our initial Discovery meeting we can determine if an assessment requires certain resources that may be of a cost. Our goal is to come into your space and fully understand your objectives and goals. Once completed we will follow up with a quote or estimation based on client needs.
Yes! We develop APIs that are able to communicate and build a bridge between two or more endpoints. This bridge allows for data communication and the automation of your processes.
Yes! Our consultants will come out onsite based on the needed client services and provide such expertise. Consultants are at an hourly rate and can be provided on a part-time basis also.
We actually do both structures. Most of our customers choose to do a subscription based service since maintenance is expensive. Our services are built using various Cloud solutions and technologies, which means our subscription approach can save you unwanted costs.
Other clients of ours choose a project based development. This means that we provide the code and training and hand it over to you, the client, in which you perform all maintenance. Maintenance may be anything from code updates, hosting cost, database storage charges, etc.

Yes! We provide small development services as well as larger scale development. Our websites are built to engage your audience through our responsive and interactive webpages.

Yes! Our approach is to build a front end user interface as well as Application Programming Interfaces to communicate between both. Including in this technology stack would be databases for storing of data and sprocs for calling such data to be passed unto another process down the chain. We offer tailored solutions to suit each environment.